Call to a Day of Action for International Solidarity and Mobilisation to celebrate International Migrants Rights Day on December 18, 2019
We Co-Convenors and participants of the 45th Session of the Permanent People’s Tribunal (PPT) held in six Hearings – in Barcelona, Palermo, Paris, London and Brussels – on the Violations with Impunity of the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples make this call to Action to celebrate International Migrants Rights Day on December 18, 2019. We invite all to join in Celebrating this International Migrants Day and:
- SIGN-ON below to the MANIFESTO (read full text Manifesto click here EN, IT, FR, ES) which will be delivered to the newly appointed EC Commissioners (responsible for Migration and Asylum & Protection of European way of life); the UN High Commissioner for Refugees and the UN Special Rapporteur for the Human Rights of Migrants; Click here for list of organisations that have Signed on to the Manifesto
- Hold a public Action and register (text call for Public action IT, ES, FR) – in the community, in the workplace, in the city or in front of the office of the EC, national or local government. Click here for list of activities to celebrate international migrants day.
We celebrate this day by inviting all to work together to end:
- Systematic violations of fundamental human rights – to life, to dignity, to work, to health, to seek a future – that refugee and migrant peoples are experiencing on their journeys of forced displacement, on the borders as well as within the Fortress Europe.
- Policies of the European Commission and Member States on – zero possibilities for regular pathways to migrate; externalization and securitization of borders and Agreements such the EU-Turkey, Italy-Libya, widespread detention of migrants and refugee peoples; practice of necropolitics forbidding sea rescue.
- All forms of forced displacement – including ethnic cleansing, climate and environmental disasters leading to – internal and outmigration.
- Criminalization of migrants, of refugees and of social actors that, individually and collectively, exercise practices and responsibilities of solidarity towards migrants and refugees.
- Racist, patriarchal and authoritarian structures entrenching discrimination, xenophobia and islamophobia.
In the face of this very hostile environment in Europe and in other global regions, we assert that this is the time to converge our strengths and work towards building an environment where human rights for all are affirmed and the basis is laid to end hate speech, impunity, injustice and to open borders.
Let December 18, 2019 be a moment to spread the word that:
To Migrate is not a Crime – To Migrate is a Human Right! It is Time for a new Transnational activism and solidarity!
Initiators of the CALL to Action:
- Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza)
- Caravana abriendo Fronteras
- Carovane Migranti
- Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement (CRID)
- Comitato Verità e Giustizia per i Nuovi Desaparecidos
- Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers (CFMW)
- ECVC/European Coordination LVC
- France Amérique Latine (FAL)
- Institute of Race Relations (IRR)
- Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak (LAB)
- Ongi etorri Errefuxiatuak (OEE)
- Paz con Dignidad/OMAL
- Platform of Filipino Migrant Organisations in Europe
- Stop the Wall
- Transnational Institute
- Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe (TMP-E)
- Waling Waling