Human Rights Tribunal on the Right to Health

A coalition of migrant and refugee organisations, social movement networks and
human rights organizations will host the Permanent Peoples Tribunal (PPT) on right to health as a public opinion tribunal in Berlin on October 23-25, 2020.


There is a growing atmosphere of resentment directed at migrants and refugees: Asylum laws are being tightened, the European Union (EU) continuously attempts to seal external borders. Sick and traumatised people as well as pregnant women are frequently deported. Many refugees experience ever stricter asylum laws and racial discrimination, even from medical personnel, leading to a denial of their right to healthcare. These violations of the human right to health threaten the lives and wellbeing of migrant and refugee people. The PPT Hearing in Berlin will address the following issues in the indictment:

  • Access to health care
  • Consequences of living standards in mass accommodation on mental and physical health
  • Residence status, deportation and health
  • Criminalisation of civil humanitarian assistance
  • Germany‘s responsibility regarding the European policy of sealing external borders
  • The European Commission and EU Member states responsibility for the violations of the human rights of migrant and refugee people
  • Racism, gender and age specific aspects are cross sectional topics throughout the indictment.

Alliance partners already involved: Please click here for more information about the alliance
Ärzte der Welt, BAfF e.V,- Bundesweite Arbeitsgemeinschaft der Psychosozialen Zentren für Flüchtlinge und Folteropfer, BNS – Netzwerk für besonders Schutzbedürftige, borderline-europe – Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e.V., Corasol, Deutsche Aidshilfe, Flüchtlingsrat Bayern, Flüchtlingsrat Brandenburg, InEUmanity, IPPNW e.V., KOK – Bundesweiter Koordinierungskreis gegen Menschenhandel e.V., Love146, Medibüro Berlin, Medico International, MediNetz Bielefeld, MediNetz Mainz, Respect, vdää, Yaar e.V.

The Berlin Hearing is part of the 45th Session of the PPT co-convened by 500 organisations and networks throughout Europe (from 2017 and ongoing) on the Violations with Impunity of the Human Rights of Migrant and Refugee Peoples. It is co-organised by the Working Group/PPT Mobilisation

Political Statement Co-convenors»

We have also reiterated our solidarity and mobilisation in the Manifesto of Solidarity (undersigned below by more than 100 movements and organisations) and call for an immediate end to the policy of necropolitics and denial of the human rights of migrant and refugee people both within the member states of the EU and at the borders.

Further Information soon: Programme, Registration, Jurors, Judgement  

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