List of Organisations Sign On to the Manifesto
- ACATHI, Barcelona, Spain
- Action from Ireland, (AFRI), Ireland
- Alianza por la Solidaridad (Alianza), Spain
- Amis de la Terre (Friends of the Earth), France
- Amigos de la Tierra América Latina y el Caribe – ATALC
- ARCI-Italy
- Arlac Belgica, Belgium
- Asamblea Constituyente Belgica, Belgium
- Associació Irídia, Centre per la Defensa dels Drets Humans, Catalunya
- Association la Terre pour Tous -Tunis
- Associazione LAB:ZEN 2
- Attac, Austria
- Borderline Sicilia Onlus, Italy
- Borderline-Europe, Menschenrechte ohne Grenzen e.V. Germany
- Caravana Abriendo Fronteras, Spain
- Carovane Migranti, Italy
- CEDETIM- Centre d’Etudes et d’Initiatives de Solidarité Internationale
- Centar za životnu sredinu (Friends of the Earth) Bosnia and Herzegovina
- Centre de recherche et d’information pour le développement(CRID), France
- Centro de Documentación en Derechos Humanos “Segundo Montes Mozo S.J.” (CSMM)
- Centro Filipino – Tuluyan San Benito, Barcelona, Spain
- Centro Salesiano Santa Chiara, Palermo. Italy
- CESTA AT, Slovenia
- Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers (CFMW) – ITALIA, Italy
- CISS/Cooperazione Internazionale Sud Sud, Italy
- Climaxi vzw – Belgium (Member FOEI)
- Comitato NoMuos/NoSigonella
- Comitato Verita e Giustizia per I Nuovi Desparacidos, Italy
- Comité pour les Droits Humains ‘Daniel Gillard”, Brussels
- Commission for Filipino Migrant Workers (CFMW) International, Amsterdam
- Coordinadora de Solidaridad con Latinoamerica, Belgica
- Coordinamento Antitratta “Favour e Loveth”, Palermo, Italy
- Diamoci una mossa! contro il razzismo, Italy
- DIWATA – Philippine Women’s Network in Greece
- ECVC/European Coordination LVC Europe
- Emmaus, Palermo, Italy
- Entrepueblos-Entrepobles-Entrepobos-Herriarte, Spain
- Espacio del inmigrante. Spain
- Fédération des Associations de Solidarité avec Toutes les Immigrées, (FASTI) France
- Foundation Academy of Amsterdam (FAA), Netherlands
- France Amerique Latine (FAL), France
- Friends of the Earth International (FOEI)
- Friends of the Earth Europe (FOE-E)
- Friends of the Earth (England, Wales and Northern Ireland)
- Ground Work, Friends of the Earth, South Africa
- Fresh Eyes – People to People Travel, UK
- Forum Antirazzista, Palermo, Italy
- Geneva Forum for Philippine Concerns, Switzerland
- Comitato Antirazzista Cobas Palermo, Italy
- Global Justice Now, UK
- GrIS Sicilia – La Società Italiana di Medicina delle Migrazioni (SIMM), Italy
- HuBB (Humans Before Borders)
- Immigrant Justice Now, US
- Institute of Our Lady of Mercy, UK
- Institute of Race Relations (IRR), UK
- INTERCOLL, International
- Jesus Christ Foundation (JCF), Netherlands
- Jo Si Sanitat Universal, Catalunya
- Justice and Peace & Integrity of Creation (JPIC- LINKS), UK
- KASAPI Unity of Filipino Migrants in Greece
- Koop Natin, Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Kromantse Development Foundation, Netherlands
- Plataforma per una Atenció Sanitària Universal a Catalunya (Pasu CAT).
- La Via Campesina, International
- Mani Rosse Antirazziste, Italy
- Marcha Mundial de las Mujeres (WMM) – Europa
- Mediterranean Hope – Federazione chiese evangeliche in Italia (FCEI)
- MELISSA Network of Migrant Women in Greece
- Migrants Organise, UK
- Missionary Society of St. Columban, UK
- Mouvement Ecologique (FoE), Luxembourg
- Munting Nayon Cultural School, Athens, Greece
- Ongi Etorri Errefuxiatuak (OEE), Bilbao, Pais Vasco
- Parroquia San Lorenzo Ruiz – Barcelona, Spain
- Paz con Dignidad/OMAL, Spain
- Platform of Filipino Migrant Organisations in Europe
- Rebel·lió o Extinció/Extinction Rebellion, Barcelona
- Rete Antirazzista Catanese
- RESPECT-Network Europe
- Sisters of St Joseph of Peace, UK
- Sisters of St Louis (SSL), UK
- SMX-Collective, Netherlands
- Society of the Holy Child Jesus (SHCJ), UK
- Social Development Cooperative-Amsterdam
- Statewatch, UK
- Steungroep Vrouwen Zonder Verblijfsvergunning (SVZV), Netherlands
- Stop the Wall Campaign, International
- Takatoul Associatif Tanger Métropole, Tangier, Morocco
- The Voice of Domestic Workers, UK
- Transnational Institute (TNI), International
- Transnational Migrant Platform-Europe (TMP-E)
- Trade Union Langile Abertzaleen Batzordeak (LAB), Bilbao
- La UniónTerritorial de Almería-SOC-SAT, Spain
- L’Union Syndicale Solidaires, France
- Unite the Union, Service Sector Regional, UK
- Unite the Union – Cleaners Branch, UK
- UDAPT – Unión de Afectados por Texaco, Ecuador
- UGNAYAN Filipino, Sweden
- Union de Ecuatorianos en Holanda, Netherlands
- Un Ponte Per, Italy
- Università di Palermo, Italy
- University of Bristol-Pier-Luc Dupont, UK
- Waling Waling-Campaign to Reclaim Rights for Migrant Domestic Workers, UK
- Women in Exile, Germany
- Woman Health, Philippines
- ZUMIFA-Fisherfolks, Migrants and Families Zumarraga, Philippines